Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bad Haircuts....

Ok, let's get off the depressing topic of conversation for awhile... I want to think about something else...

Well, I tried. I was nervous about meeting with this women's group tomorrow. I've heard them judge another woman who failed very harshly - actually, it wasn't the woman who failed, but her husband, but the wife was slammed.

So, I did what every woman does - make sure I look good!

I'm really not that much of a girly-girl. Don't do that much with hair and make up and all that. I'm learning, but I'm just me. I think I look fine, not gorgeous, but fine. But if you have to walk into a cat's lair, dress the part.

I went out tonight while my kids were in a club to get a haircut. Only, I got a bad one. I look like someone put a bowl on my head! Even my kids looked at me and said, "What happened?!"

I'll fiddle with it... hope to improve it.... but I think it is time to bring out my black slacks and black shirt with white trim... at least it looks professional and put together. Hey, when you're worried about something, wear your confidence! Now what to do about the bowl on the top of my head?


Shilo said...

Oh no! So sorry about your haircut! If you're like me, you're your own worst judge!

Praying the beautiful spirit you have inside of you will shine through and that God will hold your hand as you walk into that meeting!

Rebecca Conduff Aguirre said...

Oh, boy. My experience with getting haircuts in other countries is that you tell them what they want, but then they just cut your hair how they want to anyway. sigh...well, I think you will probably look great and I'll be praying!

Ellie said...

Well, I worked on it a little. Another problem is that hairdressers try to "fix" my hair by blow-drying it and brushing it out to make it straight. My hair is like me, stubborn and insistent on its own way. I fought it for a long time, but I finally gave in and surrendered. i just let it do what it wants now, and we are both happier. Yeah, it is somewhere between curly and straight, but it is happy there. We can't all be normal and beautiful.

The meeting went ok. I got through it. I was stubborn enough to say what I wanted and only that and not listen to all the "advice" that was given me. But, I'm glad it is over!

Unknown said...

My blessing - I have such curly hair - when the hair dresser does a BAD job, I just muss it all up, and it all just blends in. And people should love YOU not your hair!