Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Bells rang, whistles blew, people yelled and hugged, too much food eaten, tired kids going home. New Year has arrived.

Hoping, trusting for a good one.

Tonight, the sore throat I have been nursing for a few days has suddenly worsened. Yuck. Supposed to go visit people tomorrow, and I'm losing my voice, and my chest is tight and sore.

My daughter was so happy. "Finally, for the first time, I made it! I'm still awake!"

So, happy New Year to all!


Rebecca Conduff Aguirre said...

Happy New Year, Ellie!

We made it, too, and Micah, but the other three konked out rather early along with one of the dads! :)

I talked and laughed so much that I, too, am losing my voice and feeling like I'm getting a cold...rats.

Hope you feel better soon!

Shilo said...

Happy New Year, Ellie! You've been on my mind the past few days so I have been praying for you!

Karis said...

Happy New Year! Thanks for your insightful cultural comment on my post. That was so interesting.

I feel for you with the "cold" symptoms. We all fought that last week. Hang in there. Hopefully, you can get some rest although that is very difficult for a mama to be able to do.