There are days I feel like talking and days I don't feel like talking. It doesn't necessarily mean that things have changed, improved, worsened, or anything. Just that I do not feel like talking. not sure what to say.
I had a meeting with my team leader while he was in town and our here pastor. I also had a phone conversation with my home pastor. I am feeling right now like a piece of rope used in a three way tug-a-war.
In brief:
My team leader feels that
1. My husband's anger is in large part my fault because I have a "contrary spirit". (Hey, he's moved on from the psychological disorder at least!)
2. We should get a real counselor to work with us.
My here pastor feels that:
1. My husband's anger is his own fault, while we do have relationship issues.
2. We should not get a counselor but keep working with him because "the Bible is all we need"
My home pastor feels that:
1. My husband's anger is his own fault, and needs to be addressed separately.
2. We should get a real counselor to work with us.
And I feel like a rope being tugged three ways.
I feel that:
1. My husband's anger is his own responsibility, and while we do have relationship problems which likely exacerbate his anger, his anger also exacerbate the relationship problems.
2. We should see a real counselor, while I do respect and like my here pastor.
I do believe that the Bible has all we need in it for counseling. I feel that way in the same way that I feel that a scalpel is likely all that is needed to remove my gallbladder (ok, in a simplified way), but if I was to have my gallbladder removed, I'd prefer someone who had experience wielding that scalpel in that specific situation! I don't go to a GP for surgery, not even a GP I really like.
But I am tired. Really tired today. I told my husband last night about the counselor which the teacher recommended, and asked if he was willing to go. His response? Anger. There is no reason to go see someone. He only has one problem and that is me, so why should he go to get help?
He went on and on last night on his regular speil of angry words... not yelling this time, but a calm laughing at me, sarcastic. I asked him to stop, saying I only wanted to ask that question, but he would not. So I am tired today.
But today, he is fairly calm. Happy that the kids and I cleaned out the storage room. Happy that I came with him to see a potential house for his friends. Happy that I appeared happy and fine during the time with people. Happy that I made one of his favorite meals.
But all this happiness doesn't take away the anger of the night before for me. For him, he thinks it does. If we pretend to be happy, then obviously we are happy. This is what he told me last night, "Just decide to be happy and stop being tense and enjoy life. I'm tired of you being sad."
Yeah. Hard to do. I've tried smiling when he yells before - pretending to be happy. It is painful.
Anyway, he has a meeting tomorrow with our here pastor. I suspect that will not go too well. Can you all pray for that? Also pray for the rest of the day then - likely he will come home angry from that meeting, and likely I'll be up all night again being told how horrible I am to dare tell people bad things about him.
I'm just tired right now. Wishing God would just step in and give him a good kick in the ... umm... well the whatever at this point!
I'm reading one of John White's books to the children. It is a good thing to be reading right now.
I'm struggling to emotionally survive right now. I can't listen to music - it makes me cry. But I am memorizing again. It is a discipline which helps me, calms me, and gets scripture into me so I have it to remember later. Over several years (not that it took that long, but because I gave up and was lazy about it), I memorized Hebrews. Last week, I memorized Philemon - that was a nice, short, fun one. I'm going to work on Titus next. Just randomly curious if it is possible to memorize the Epistles.... But memorizing is good for me, calming, repetitive. Forces me to slow down my mind and my restless thoughts and questions and focus on what the passage is saying. Then when I go for walks, I take my Bible with me in my head and "read" it.