I might be your neighbor
sitting behind you in church
passing you on the street
the other woman on your team
you wouldn't know it
you wouldn't think it
you wouldn't believe it if you were told
because my husband is so nice
so kind, so considerate
you've often wished your husband would help with the dishes after church like mine does
or volunteer to paint your bathroom
or how he surprised you with a gift just because he's known you a year and your birthday must have been during that time.
Everyone smiled.
What a thoughtful man.
No one knew that it was my birthday that week
and he didn't bring me flowers
or a gift
but told me how worthless I was
that no one could love me and no one that likes me now would like me
if they knew me like he did
he waited to give you your gift until I got there
with lots of smiles and applause
I smiled too
even when you told me what a thoughtful man he was.
I wish I knew the man you see.
I might be your neighbor
sitting beside you in your office
or the mom who looks tired at playgroup.
You wouldn't know unless I told you
and you wouldn't believe me if I did.
I don't tell.
I know no one will believe me
Or people will tell me that if I just submitted more
cooked better
kept a cleaner house
perhaps "gave a little more in the bedroom"
that it wouldn't happen.
I'm sure it is just a phase he's going through, maybe a rough spot for him
try to understand.
You don't understand
because you don't live my life
you couldn't believe it
because there are no visible scars
I've learned to smile instead of cry
because I've learned that public tears will be punished in private
because public image is so important
more important than me
If only he would hit me
people would see and be shocked
but the scars of words are deeper than that
yet unseen
I could be your neighbor
and you would never know
Even my friends do not know the whole of it
they can't handle it
they wiggle in discomfort and try to shut their ears
when I speak what happens behind closed doors
they can not carry the load I am carrying
so they leave
or they burn out
one even told me
"please don't tell me any more about your problems
they keep me up at night and I can't handle it"
so I was left alone
I had no choice but to handle it
I smile at my friends
I listen to their lives
but I don't always talk.
I'm a bit of a downer at a party
when they talk about vacations, gifts, sweet things their husbands did
what do I say?
"my husband yelled at me for two hours last night
he didn't like his dinner"
it sort of turns the chattering woman's coffee time into a shocked silence
so I have learned silence.
I talk about other things.
Sometimes I walk away to get a refill on coffee
because I need to draw a breath and control my tears
people don't want to be friends with me if I talk
they have no answers, and they feel like a failure for having none
I have none either
I'm more used to it perhaps
the questions with no answers
All I really want is a hug and someone to tell me they love me
to counteract the words that are thrown at me
but if I hang out with you and talk too much
my husband will come by
he will ask me later what we were talking about
so I am cautious
I don't want to risk more anger
so sometimes I am silent.
I could be your neighbor
you would never know.
can you see me?
What a powerful portrayal of the difficult struggle you face. I am so sorry. Praying now that God will continue to give you His grace each moment.
Oh, Ellie, this breaks my heart. I would believe you and I would see you as I've seen people I know and love walk a similar road. Have you been to Elisabeth Corcoran's site? Maybe it will give you some comfort and a way forward... peace to you. http://www.elisabethcorcoran.com/
I see you Ellie,
I wish so much I could help.
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