I would think that the prerequisite for getting a new job is quitting your former one, but that is not the case! I still work with old people one day a week, and will be increasing that to two days to cover when someone else has to be away for a few months. I also still volunteer in the school, and will be covering a medical leave there in two weeks - yay, I get to teach kindergarten!!!
But, my poor husband has been struggling trying to get everything done in managing the office and meeting deadlines as well as everything else involved in what we do. We had hoped for some help to arrive, but it didn't work out. We did get a very young guy as a new IT type of help, but he takes a lot of training at the moment. Then our office volunteer quit (which may have been a good thing as she was messing up more than she was helping, but God bless her heart for trying!)
So I took a look at the office and decided to jump right in. I now work three days a week doing admin. assistant type of jobs. For the first two weeks, I decluttered my workspace. The previous volunteer kept every scrap of paper we produced in the last five years! Ugh. She also kept copious hand written notes on how to do everything, but they make little sense as the technology changes so fast. This week, I've learned the basics of a few tasks and am doing them well. Now I have to organize two other rooms - a storage/stock type of room and the office where the new IT guy will be sharing with our bookkeeper. Since it had been only half used for several years, it had piled stuff in there. All sorts of stuff.
Right now, my new job is a little like Sudafed. I am a decongestant. I get rid of "stuff".
I'm enjoying making order. Now if only it could be made at my house! I'm finding this working mom thing to be a little exhausting, even though I am home in time to pick up my kids.
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